Representational image only. File Police on Monday (September 16, 2024) flagged a fake Facebook account of Anand Jain, Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), Jammu zone, advising people to be cautious and report any suspicious online activity to them.They urged people not to engage with any such account and refer to verified social media handles of Jammu and Kashmir Police for information. In a statement, Jammu and Kashmir Police said a thorough investigation is under way in the case and strict action will be taken in accordance with the law to hold the responsible individuals accountable.“It has come to our notice that a fake Facebook account has been generated using the name of ADGP, Jammu zone. This fraudulent act is a serious violation and an attempt to mislead the public,” it said. “Immediate legal action is being initiated against the perpetrators involved in this unlawful activity,” police said, adding that they take such cyber offenses very seriously. “People are advised to be cautious and report any suspicious online activity to the authorities,” the statement said. “We also urge citizens not to engage with or follow any such fraudulent accounts. For any official communication or information, please refer to the verified and legitimate social media accounts of the Jammu and Kashmir Police.” Published – September 16, 2024 12:00 pm IST