To ensure a smooth and orderly Ganesh idols procession on Tuesday (September 17, 2024), the Rachakonda Commissioner of Police G. Sudheer Babu has announced traffic restrictions in various areas under his jurisdiction. The restrictions will be in place from 6 a.m. on September 17 until 8 a.m. on September 18, 2024.“Specific routes have been designated for Ganesh idol processions in Saroornagar, Safilguda, Kapra, Uppal, Ghatkesar, Ibrahimpatnam, and Maheshwaram. Heavy vehicles and private buses will not be allowed to enter or exit arterial roads within the Outer Ring Road (ORR) during the immersion period,” said the officer, adding that the Road Transport Corporation (RTC) will provide alternative routes for public transportation. As per the advisory, in the Safilguda Tank area, heavy vehicles will be diverted from Mettuguda and Malkajgiri Crossroad. In Kapra, restrictions were imposed on traffic from Bhaskar Rao Nagar and Netaji Nagar. Meanwhile in Uppal, Ganesh idols from Ramanthapur will be diverted through Habsiguda. “Heavy vehicles from Chengicherla X Roads will be diverted towards NFC. Heavy vehicles will not be allowed towards Manneguda, Ragannaguda, Thurkayamjal, Injapur, Gurramguda. Heavy vehicles from Kandukur and Maheshwaram will be diverted towards ORR,” added the official. The Commissioner urged the public to cooperate with the traffic regulations to ensure a peaceful Ganesh festival celebration. Published – September 17, 2024 01:22 pm IST